
"Nothing Compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride"
- John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race

4:30 am - Alarm goes off

4:37 am - Snooze alarm goes off

4:45 am - Chow down on a banana and some oatmeal

5:00 am - Grab bike and head out of the hotel

5:15 am - Proceed to race check-in

5:45 am - Scarf down a Clif Bar

6:00 am - Push my way past Lance, Levi and Dave Weimes to the start line (Just jokes.)
6:30 am - Race start

6:35 am - Follow Police escort out of Leadville to Forest Service Road

6:45 am - Start the St. Kevin's Climb

6:46 am - Wonder why the Hell I signed up for this!!!

7:20ish am - Crest the top of the St. Kevin's Climb 10 miles down and 90 more to go.

7:45 am - After a stupid fast and steep downhill the Carter Summit Aid Station and thank god, I am already out of water

Later - After going around Turquoise Lake the road heads up over Sugarloaf Pass. Crap...

Much later - The 26 mile mark comes at the bottom of the Powerline descent

Before 10:30 am - The Twin Lakes Outbound Aid Station is the 40 mile mark. Grab some gels refill waterbottles

Later - Start the climb up to 12,600 foot summit of Columbine mine, where the hell is the oxegen!!!

before 1:00pm - I have a lunch reservation set for the Columbine Aid Station which is the 50 mile turnaround.

Before 6:00 pm - Retrace my steps back to Leadville??? WTF!

100 miles, over 14,000 ft of climbing, on a Mountain bike all done above 9000 ft

Who would ever want to do that? Yeah besides Lance, Levi, the handful of pro mountain bikers that enter the race, besides the 1500 riders that compete each year, besides the thousands of rider entries that are turned away each year, I want to.

- I want to be able to rub elbows with Tour de France superstars even only for a few hundred yards.
- I want my wife and kids to be able to their Daddy/Husband do something truly remarkable.
- I want one of those badass belt buckles for finishing in less than 12 hours.
- I want to see the breath taking views from atop Columbine Mine and Race aross the sky at 12,600 feet.
- I want to be without limits ; tougher, stronger and better than I ever thought that I could be.
- In the infamous words of race founder Ken Chlouber I want to "DIG DEEP."

See you at The Leadville Trail 100 Mountain bike race in 2013...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait babe....you can do it! Just keep up the hard work
